Saturday, March 25, 2006

Using Multimedia: Adaptive Technology

I wanted to blog one thing in chapter 7 of Ko and Rossen. A great deal of attention is being spent on Multimedia and it's purpose in distance education. I wanted to add one thing to the 'When to Use Multimedia' section. As an educator you have to be atuned to your students learning styles. Auditory learners may find audio clips more valuable than lecture notes for example.
I also wanted to talk about adaptive technology. One of the dangers of multimedia is forgetting about ADA requirements. It really isn't that difficult to add alternative text, voiceovers, and media descriptions to a website. I'll post the link to an ADA website here. They have a ton of helpful hints as well as a list of the requirements. Here's the link: ADA


At 2:37 AM, Blogger ETS Classroom Video Library said...

Yes I will really appreciate your thinking about the technology you want in education. Yes, online education can help students to understand each and every thing clearly. There are some blogs which give more information about new advanced technology.


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