Monday, February 06, 2006

Great text creations...

I was at a conference taking a class on designing online courses and came across a couple of links that I had never used. If you are looking for a great place to get very cool text in formats that are not webenabled these are the sites. I've found this very useful in places that I want to post an e-mail that I don't want scraped from the website. It also creates text in scaleable .png files that are free and can be used anywhere. Here are the links:


At 4:40 AM, Blogger Nice Guy said... has more web-enabled image generators ;)

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Paul Castelin said...

I finally spent some time going through all of our class blogs and have found yours particularly interesting for several reasons: 1) (Most important in my book!) A good sense of humor in trying circumstances,
2) Very pragmatic; realist; and reasonably humble!
3) Applied; you always draw links between what we are investigating and applying it to your circumstances.
4) Heart - you have plenty of heart, which comes through loud and clear, even in text...
5) Engaged - you are continually on the search for means to improve yourself and the experiences of your students.
Keep up the good work; I find solace in knowing that there are teachers like you out there!
Oh, yeah, I need to provide a link as part of this post...let's go with this one, which is really good for our discussion regarding hybrid classes:


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